§ 53A-1-605. Analysis of results -- Staff professional development.  

Latest version.
  • (1) The State Board of Education, through the state superintendent of public instruction, shall develop a plan to analyze the results of the U-PASS scores for all grade levels and courses required under Section 53A-1-603 and the student behavior indicators referred to in Section 53A-1-602.
    (2) The plan shall include components designed to:
    (a) assist school districts and individual schools to use the results of the analysis in planning, evaluating, and enhancing programs; and
    (b) identify schools not achieving state-established acceptable levels of student performance in order to assist those schools in raising their student performance levels.
    (3) The plan shall include provisions for statistical reporting of criterion-referenced or online computer adaptive test results at state, school district, school, and grade or course levels, and shall include actual levels of performance on tests.
    (4) Each local school board and charter school governing board shall provide for:
    (a) evaluation of the U-PASS test results and use of the evaluations in setting goals and establishing programs; and
    (b) a professional development program that provides teachers, principals, and other professional staff with the training required to successfully establish and maintain U-PASS.
Amended by Chapter 11, 2010 General Session